Natural oil and salt body scrub, 430g
"Olive Aloe "
with olive oil and aloe vera extract

Natural oil and salt body scrub, 430g Moisturizing Olive Aloe with olive oil and aloe vera extract

The olive oil, which this scrub is enriched with, perfectly nourishes, softens, and moisturizes the skin, retaining moisture for a long time and not bridging the pores. Olive oil is especially suitable for taking care of dry and withering skin. It has a rejuvenating effect, helping to preserve the skin young, firm, and elastic for a long time.

Aloe extract helps the skin to maintain its youth, firmness, and elasticity for a long time.  It has anti-inflammatory antibacterial properties and is suitable for inflamed skin.  

The scrub scent:

The harsh aroma of  fresh olive greens and juicy aloe pulp, it will certainly take your mind off the routine and eliminate anxiety.


Effect: moisturizing, anti-aging.

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